Monday, July 25, 2011

Will Smith's impact and advice to Tyrese Gibson

Introductory Comments:
I have been reading Tyrese Gibson's book titled, "How To Get Out of Your Own Way".  In this book, Tyrese mentions Will Smith throughout the book as someone who gave him very good advice when he desperately needed it.

Within the book, Tyrese shares the story about a time when he was moving away from being a muscial artist and he started his acting career.  This was a difficult time for Tyrese.  He was starting to eat whatever he wanted to eat.  In other words, he was using food as a way to escape reality and to cope with late.

When Tyrese was on a particular movie set, he was rude and unprofessional.  He was showing up late for his part within the movie.

Tyrese contacted Will Smith in order to receive some advice and guidance.

Will Smith mentioned the following: (paraphrasing the major points)

  • When you are a muscial artist, the performance or show is all about you.  The muscial is at the center of attention; however, when you become an artist other people are also at the center of attention.
  • You have to give your best so that you are able to "feed your family" and if you are able to "feed your family", other people will be able to " feed their family". 

Discussion Question:
  • Do you recall a time when you wanted to be the center of attention and you could not be the center of attention?
  • What behaviors do you engage in when you do not get your own way?
  • What do you do on your job to be your best so that other people are able to "feed their family"?
  • What are the things that you do to manage your emotions when you are in the midst of a "pity party"?
  • Are you able to admit when you are wrong and what do you do each and everyday to treat co-workers with respect?
Concluding Remarks:
  • As a result of Will Smith's "words of wisdom", Tyrese started to treat his co-workers in a more professional manner and most importantly,  Tyrese started to show up on the set on time with a more positive and productive attitude.
  • Will Smith's advice to Tyrese helped Tyrese to see how he could improve his work performance regarding acting.  I think the fascinating part of Will Smith's comment and advice is that it reminds all of us to strive for excellence in our chosen profession so that other people could also "feed their family". 
  • While there are many stressors and pressures in all of our lives, we need a reminder from time to time to focus on being our best so that in the end we can enrich another person's life.  I sincerely hope and pray each and everyone of us will find a way to live up to our true potential. 

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