Favorite Books for "The Wonderful World of Reading"

In my free time, I am interested in reading about how people can grow and mature spiritually and emotionally. 

  • I read books within the Christian religious tradition such as Joel Osteen's books, T.D. Jakes' books, and Billy Graham's books.
  • Within a broader spiritual context, I enjoy reading books such as Dan Millman's The Way of The Peaceful Warrior; Florence Scovel Shinn's book called The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn; Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now; Loiuse Hay's You Can Heal Your Life; John Penberthy's To Bee or Not To Bee; and Wayne W. Dyer's Manifest Your Destiny.
  • There are a variety of books that help to change my life such as Mitch Albom's, " Tuesday With Morrie" and Miguel Ruiz's book titled, "Voice of Knowledge".